Wisdo for Higher Education

Wellness through Connection

The evolving nature of COVID-19 and societal shifts can cause distress, anxiety, and loneliness for students at an alarming rate.

Students need extra support during this time.  Counseling centers, and other higher intensity virtual supports are struggling to meet the demand, in addition to adapting to new working conditions.

Wisdo is here to help. Our safe and effective peer-support platform offers the opportunity for students to connect with others who have ‘been there’ as they traverse the waters of their mental health and social well-being.

We are offering six months free to students registering with their .edu email address, because we believe that in this unprecedented time students come first.

Interested in learning more about Wisdo for your institution?

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🔒  Safe

Balancing safety with the integrity of our product is our number one concern

✨  Authentic

We provide real insights from people who know, and support from people who’ve been there

📊  Data driven

Our extensive suite of data products propel our decision making process to be backed by the numbers of what’s actually happening in our community

💬  Responsive

We’re committed to building a higher ed solution that is relevant in today’s evolving space

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